“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer

As a parent of three young children, it is quite understandable that one would seek out a routine for them so that the day to day is more manageable for all at home. Even at work, I find myself worrying or rather thinking of the million and one things that need to be done and “chiong-ing” to clear the work but atlas, many a times only to be defeated by the weak wifi connection at work.

It is after many disappointments, fretting over different matters that I finally admit to myself that, yes I do not have full control over everything (though I would really love to have!). I could not have prevented the fall that cut Natalie’s forehead which left a scar albeit after three stitches - simply because I just wasn’t in the same room when she fell.

As much as I would want to ace the psle exams for Donna, I couldn’t because she is the one who is going to sit for the papers.

If only I can foresee Covid 19 happening... things would have been so different for the business and many things else.

If only..... but such is the beauty of life... and slowly but surely, I am learning to let go... of myself and my life...and embrace peace in my heart.

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